Sunday, November 22, 2009

ISR Matrix and No Sugar

This past week was the ISR Matrix Course....
Had a good training group together -Mike came in from California, Phil from Uvalde, Rich from San Antonio and Marty from Seguin...We trained at Solidarity Jiu Jitsu....and Devon got to meet up with us on Friday.

We hit the basics and Mike got a chance to cover some of the stuff his folks are doing in Cali. Since we all had that down, we took some time to cover the Clinch w/ Cloth stuff that was covered at the Florida Conference....BIG focus on 50/50 and building the A-Frame....everyone loved it!

I'm honored to have been able to sharpen my skills as an instructor and to see that everyone picked it up so quickly...We closed with a business meeting on what we can do to spread ISR locally.


Mike stayed with us for the week...we had a good time and got to know each other a lil better..since before we had only known each other through the courses at Lackland AFB and through Facebook.

We took Mike to one of RCCC's Small Groups ( and everyone enjoyed meeting him. We also went to the Men's Ministry lunch at Wings and Rings....yum!

Along with this, we pigged out like crazy at Gina's mom's house, Fuschak's BBQ buffet and THE GRISTMILL!!!

Seeing the slippery slope, Mike challenged us to go 30 days without processed sugars......Gina was all about, but I must say that I was (am still) hesitant....Mike took us shopping and cooked for us...and things are going well..At the time I'm writing this, we're on our 3rd day.

Thanks Mike.


All in all, it was a great week. I enjoy training new folks, but it's REALLY cool when you get to work with guys that already have it down and things are clicking....thanks everyone for devoting the time and energy.

...but even more so, thanks to Gina for putting up with a couple of juveniles with a weird you babe!
The Sarge

Sunday, October 4, 2009

My First Experiment with Movie Maker

Speaking of our train-cation...heres a movie of the "train" part of the trip.

Hope you enjoy!

The Sarge

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Well we recently returned from an awesome Train-cation.

Let me clearify that. A train-cation is when you have to travel out of town for work related training...AND it tends to be in a prime location - so you get to do some pretty cool stuff in your down time.

In this instance, we got to travel to beautiful Ft. Lauderdale, FL. This is our second visit to South Florida, or as most cool folks know it as...SoFlo.

I had an opportunity to get another week long session of ISR Matrix ( training in...and it was a blast!

Gina and Chelsea went with ...We got a chance to hit the beach, have some great food and knock back some 'ritas....could it get better?

Sure. We also took a day trip down to Key Largo! We went snorkeling w/ Key Divers! We hit the reef and got a chance to see the Christ of the Abyss statue. It was amazing! I was sad that I was missing Sunday services back at River City Community Church...but glad that I still got to get some Jesus!

But all play and no work a train-cation does not make.

So Monday - Friday I was off to One Dragon Marital Arts ( for ISR Training. I was reunited with two of my Tabmoc ( brothers James aka: Poncho and Lil Rich...hey? how come I don't have a nickname? I also got to see some ol' friends like Jon, Eric and Ray and some new ones like Dave, the Aussie, and Calen, the Canuck...

Anyway, as usual, the training didn't disappoint. Luis Gutierrez had plenty in store for us. By the end of the first day most of us were sore, but ready for more.

We covered stuff like:

Subject Control/Management/Transporation
Weapons Retention
Clinch with Cloth
Ground Engagement

If you've never seen this stuff, I really is the best out there!

Near the end of the week we were just about ready to head on back to the Lone Star State, but we had one more goal to accomplish. We met up with Wil, a long lost buddy from the Army days. We met with an his son at the MoonLite Cafe for burgers and shakes. It was glad we were able to take some time out of our busy schedules to hook up.

So yeah, we had a great time.

I hate that I didn't get to spend more time with my family, but hey, it was a was a TRAINcation.

I defintely think we'll be traveling again, but perhaps to different places. Life is too short to see the same things over and over again............

Til next time,

The Sarge

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Fresh Start

I had a blog once.

I looked at it recently and I came to realize, that I was not that Blogger anymore.

My life, my priorities and my dreams and focus have changed since then.

So rather than just moving on with that blog, I chose to start a new.

Which brings me here.

I'm sure I'll blog about a variety of faith, my life with the three most wonderful young ladies in the world, exercise, travel, work and training.

Hope you tune in....

The Sarge